Protecting the Kambo Frog
through public education

Phyllomedusa Bicolor Kambo Frog


The research activities of Vittorio Erspamer spanned more than 60 years and resulted in the isolation, identification, synthesis and pharmacological study of more than sixty new chemical compounds. Among these compounds were polypeptides and biogenic amines, and also some alkaloids. 

We are still discovering the many uses and potential medical application of these peptides, but thanks to Erspamers work, there are over 70 Kambo patents lodged, mainly in the USA.

HOW WE protect this sacred frog


Public education and dissimination of
medical research


Practitioner training programs ensures the ethical application of this medicine


Protecting the natural habitat that the frog
must be in to produce healing peptides

Phyllomedusa Bicolor in nature

Phyllomedusa Bicolor ("Kambo" frog)

Also known as the bicolour tree-frog, giant monkey frog, giant leaf frog, or waxy-monkey treefrog, is a species of leaf frog


Increase of the frogs’ population through ethical breeding and release into their natural habitat


Partnering with indigenous tribes that have worked with this frog to offer ethically sourced Kambo medicine