Our Mission

The mission of Kambo Foundation is to protect the Phyllomedusa Bicolor a.k.a. “Kambo Frog” of the Amazon by promoting medical research, and providing public education so that future generations will have access to this powerful medicine. 

Protect from what? 

As the medicine becomes more widely used and sought after, the Kambo frog is more in danger of being abused, and taken out of its natural environment which actually stops the production of its healing peptides. 

HOW WE protect this sacred frog


Public education and dissimination of
medical research


Practitioner training programs ensures the ethical application of this medicine


Protecting the natural habitat that the frog
must be in to produce healing peptides

Phyllomedusa Bicolor in nature

Phyllomedusa Bicolor ("Kambo" frog)

Also known as the bicolour tree-frog, giant monkey frog, giant leaf frog, or waxy-monkey treefrog, is a species of leaf frog


Increase of the frogs’ population through ethical breeding and release into their natural habitat


Partnering with indigenous tribes that have worked with this frog to offer ethically sourced Kambo medicine

Together we can save the frogs!

Wondering how to get involved? 

Kambo Frog Detox kambofrogdetox.com

Support Our Certified Kambo Practitioners!

When you receive Kambo from a certified Kambo Foundation practitioner, you’re automatically donating 20% to the foundation.

Becoming an ethical, responsible Kambo Practitioner.

If you’re interested in serving Kambo medicine, you have a ethical responsibility to learn the customs of the indigenous tribes. Sign up today for our next training course.